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5 Common Graphics Design Mistakes to Avoid: A Guide for Designers

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As a graphic designer, your job is to create visually compelling and effective designs that convey a message or idea to your audience. While there are many aspects of design to consider, there are also some common design mistakes to avoid – that many designers make.

These mistakes can make your work ineffective, unprofessional, or even unreadable. In this guide, we will explore the 5 common graphics design mistakes you should avoid, including typography, color, composition, branding, and file formats.

By understanding these mistakes and how to avoid them, you can create better designs that are more effective and professional.

Typography Mistakes

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed. Choosing the wrong font, font size, and spacing can make your design hard to read and unprofessional. Here are some common typography mistakes you should avoid:

  • Choosing the wrong font: Fonts come in various styles and personalities, from sans-serif to script, from classic to modern. Choosing the wrong font can make your design look mismatched and unprofessional.
    For example, using a playful script font for a serious business proposal can send the wrong message to your clients. It’s best to choose a font that matches your brand’s tone, message, and target audience.
  • Using too many fonts: Using too many fonts in a single design can make it look cluttered and confusing. Stick to 2-3 fonts that complement each other and create a consistent look and feel throughout your design. For example, use a bold sans-serif font for headings, a legible serif font for body text, and a playful script font for accents.
  • Ignoring font size and spacing: Font size and spacing affect the legibility and readability of your design. Choosing a font size that is too small or too large can make your design hard to read, especially for people with visual impairments. Similarly, ignoring the spacing between letters, lines, and paragraphs can make your design look cramped or scattered. Use appropriate font sizes and spacing to create a harmonious and balanced design.

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Color Mistakes

Colors play a vital role in graphic design, as they evoke emotions, convey messages, and create visual interest. However, using the wrong colors or too many colors can make your design look unprofessional and confusing. Here are some color mistakes you should avoid:

  • Using too many colors: Using too many colors in a single design can be overwhelming for the viewer and distract from the main message. Stick to a color palette of 2-3 colors that complement each other and create a cohesive look and feel throughout your design. For example, use a bold primary color for your brand’s logo, a secondary color for headings and accents, and a neutral color for the background and body text.
  • Choosing the wrong color combinations: Certain color combinations can clash or create a negative impression. For example, using red and green together can evoke Christmas, but it can also be difficult for color-blind viewers to distinguish. Use color theory and color psychology to choose color combinations that match your brand’s message and evoke the right emotions.
  • Ignoring color contrast: Color contrast is important for legibility and accessibility. Using low-contrast colors, such as light gray on white or yellow on green, can make your design hard to read, especially for people with visual impairments. Use high-contrast colors for headings and body text to ensure that your design is readable and accessible.

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Composition Design Mistakes to avoid

Composition is the arrangement of visual elements in a design to create a pleasing and effective layout. Ignoring composition principles can result in a cluttered or unbalanced design. Here are some composition mistakes you should avoid:

  • Ignoring grids and guides: Grids and guides are essential tools for creating a balanced and consistent design. Using grids and guides can help you align and distribute elements evenly and create a sense of hierarchy. For example, use a 12-column grid for a website layout, and align headings and body text to the grid.
  • Overcrowding the design: Overcrowding the design with too many elements can make it look cluttered and confusing. Use white space or negative space to create breathing room and draw attention to the main message.
  • Ignoring visual hierarchy: Visual hierarchy is the order in which the viewer’s eye is drawn to different elements in the design. Ignoring visual hierarchy can make your design look disorganized and confusing. Use size, color, and placement to create a clear visual hierarchy and guide the viewer’s eye to the most important elements first.
    Check this more in-depth article about Visual hierarchy
  • Neglecting balance and symmetry: Balance and symmetry are important for creating a harmonious and pleasing design. Neglecting balance and symmetry can make your design look unbalanced or awkward. Use symmetry, asymmetry, or radial symmetry to create a balanced and visually interesting design.

Image Mistakes

Images play a vital role in graphic design, as they add visual interest, convey emotions, and create a sense of realism. However, using low-quality images, irrelevant images, or too many images can make your design look unprofessional and unappealing. Here are some image mistakes you should avoid:

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  • Using low-quality images: Using low-quality images can make your design look pixelated, blurry, or distorted. Use high-resolution images that are sharp, clear, and optimized for web or print.
  • Using irrelevant images: Using images that are not related to your brand, message, or audience can confuse or alienate your viewers. Use images that match your brand’s tone, message, and target audience, and avoid stock images that look generic or overused.
  • Using too many images: Using too many images in a single design can make it look cluttered and distracting. Use images sparingly and strategically to highlight the main message and add visual interest.

Layout Mistakes

The layout is the arrangement of visual elements in a design to create clear and effective communication. Neglecting layout principles can result in a confusing or ineffective design. Here are some layout mistakes you should avoid:

  • Ignoring the fold: The fold is part of the design that is visible without scrolling or clicking. Ignoring the fold can result in important information being hidden or overlooked. Use the top part of your design to highlight the main message and create a clear call to action.
  • Ignoring the user experience: User experience is the interaction between the viewer and the design. Ignoring the user experience can result in a frustrating or ineffective design. Use clear navigation, intuitive buttons, and responsive design to create a user-friendly and accessible design.
  • Ignoring brand consistency: Brand consistency is the use of consistent visual elements, such as logo, font, color, and tone, throughout your design. Ignoring brand consistency can result in a disjointed or confusing design. Use consistent visual elements to create a recognizable and professional brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is typography important in graphic design?

Typography is important in graphic design because it affects the legibility and readability of your design. Choosing the wrong font or inconsistent font sizes can make your design hard to read and unprofessional.

How many colors should I use in my design?

It’s best to use a color palette of 2-3 colors that complement each other. Using too many colors can be overwhelming for the viewer.

Why is branding important in design?

Branding is important in design because it ensures that your design is consistent with your brand’s identity and message. Ignoring branding elements can result in an inconsistent and unprofessional design.


Graphic design is a complex and dynamic field that requires attention to detail, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Avoiding the 5 common graphics design mistakes:

  1. Typography mistakes
  2. Color Mistakes
  3. Composition Mistakes
  4. Image Mistakes
  5. Layout Mistakes

can help you create a professional and effective design that communicates your message and engages your audience. By using typography effectively, choosing the right color combinations, following composition principles, using high-quality images, and creating a clear and user-friendly layout, you can create a design that stands out and achieves your goals.

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Farhan Mubin
Farhan Mubin

Farhan Mubin is sharing design, WordPress website, youtube, & Entrepreneurship-related content here at Enstant Man. Besides writing content here, he is also a YouTuber and the Founder of 11hrs Creator.

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